Thursday, October 16, 2008

The first attemt at a narrower research perspective

I'll write this post in English, as this was a part of a multi-national workshop on Mobile lives, Mobile work (note: I have also edited the three previous posts into English to make a kind of consistency. The title of this blog is after all in English, right?).

One of the compelling discussions (there where several themes of discussion, of which I can only refer a few in this post) was centered around the definition of "mobility". In short, the term mobility has a lot of associations connected to it, so that the discussion about the multiple and sometimes heterogenous implications of "Mobile lives, mobile work" was just that: Heterogenous and multiple. Bruno Latour argues that this type of phenomenon should have its very own terminology. He refers to it as Asociology (Latour, 2005). I am looking foreward to explore this theme and hopefully be a part of the research-framework in the comming years.
On a sidenote I think that the theme, Mobile lives, Mobile work, has got a lot in common with one of my own main concerns these days. This concern is about the bridge - or the gap as the case might turn out to be - between the virtual and the real. I am currently exploring this bridge/gap under the term "Hybrid Space". All right. Maybe I got a bit highstrung in using capitals, but the meaning will hopefully get through. I am working on this bit in a forth comming article simply called "Hybrid space" to be published in the spring in my companys journal, Future Orientation.

The pictures for today does not have any people in it (or almost not according to the post below). Simply because I intended to shoot from the hip during the workshop, but got so caught up in the discussions, that I forgot. I'll hopefully post the other research themes that came up during the workshop at a later date.

Till then

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