Thursday, April 30, 2009

Easy rider

It's funny how summer brings out bicicles and gadgets! This photo is of a fellow bicicler (is that the name for it??) who toyed with her cellphone - it looked more like she tried to find a contact, than texting.
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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The theme of May: bicycles 'n gadgets

The summer has made an early call to the streets of Copenhagen. Thus a lot of photo-oppotunities on my way. The bicycles is what Copenhagen is (in-)famous for. Thus I decided - a bit on a whim - that the theme for the month of May is to be Bicycles n' gadgets. But only a bit on a whim: just last night I discovered the great blog Go tjek it out!!! Its a great site about bicycles and bicycle culture in the streets of Copenhagen. Now this blog is all about the use of gadgets, and especially cellphones in public. So for the month of May I will do what I can to fuse these two subjects
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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Concluding multitasking

Had a lot of tasks in my professional job as a futurist at the Copenhagen Institute for Futures studies. Thus this late concluding post on the first theme here at Visual ethnologist.

My header could just as well have been called the more enigmatic "What are you doing?". That would be a great line if it wasn't so wannabe-shcolaric ;o)

The "what are you doing" is one of my first insigths into this field of documenting how we live with technology in our everyday life. The handheld devices are subject to a type of over interpretation that has to do with the dynamics with which we use them. Thus I had to disqualify a lot of my pictures (again - taken with my trusty old Sone Ericsson c902 mobile phone camera. And I am getting quite fond of the old boy) showing individuals texting. As it turned out seconds later, they were just looking up a contact, and happily chatting (as in the old English definition of talking in an informal way. Not the internet lingua definition of talking through text in a chat-room... I digress). So you have to ask your self the following question as I will through this ongoing investigation of our use of everyday tech: what are you doing? Sphere: Related Content